When your trivia team of four splits into two teams of two and still manages to take first and second place, there's something going on. That something is awesomeness.
Last night, there was nobody there for trivia. Almost literally. It was our group and that was it. Eventually, our quizmaster talked several other folks into playing, but none of them finished. It turned out later on that one of the regulars was there too, and he did end up finishing. In any case, we decided to split up just to make some kind of game out of it. AJ and Nate were on one team and Jenna and I were the other. The game was pretty fun, with some interesting rounds and all, but we got totally hosed on the two Audi rounds. Nate and AJ know way more of that stuff than us, and that's where they pulled ahead. They ended up beating us by 15 points, which, with their joker, equates to about 7 answers of either song title or artist on round two. I think they easily got us by that many, if not quite a few more. I did get a few answers, but not very many.
Even though we had to turn on ourselves this week, there was a silver lining. By taking first and second, we ended up $10 ahead of where we would normally be, so that's good. We also proved that even separately, we're still awesome. Third place came in 21 points behind me and Jenna. If we had remained a combined team, we would've scored in the mid-eighties, most likely. That would've put us well above any other team that played last night, as near as I can tell. So, if we hadn't had to split just to have someone to play against, we'd have had a truly impressive score. There's something to be said for that, I suppose.
Anyhow, last night was okay, but certainly not as fun as when we all get to hang out and talk and work together. That's mostly what the evening is about for me anyway, to be honest. Hopefully next week will be better.
A new thing
7 years ago
I'm with you on that one, brother.