Thursday, February 19, 2009

Various Info

Did the steak-in-the-oven again last night with a 2:45 per side cook time and it came out significantly underdone, even after 10 minutes of resting under some foil. I think 3 minutes may be the magic number. I have two more steaks with which to attempt it, so we'll see if the 3-minute mark is the key. I'm also thinking that bringing the steak up to a bit higher temperature with a quick soak in warm water (inside a zip-loc, of course) may assist with getting it cooked through, beyond simply leaving it on the counter for a while. We'll see soon, here. I'm really hoping to have a very simple, consistent method I can follow without having to adjust every time. The steaks are quite consistent in size, shape and weight, so I don't they they even really count as a variable.

Also tried to run this morning in my old shoes. I stretched a bit beforehand, which I think will generally assist me, but I still had the problem. Greatly reduced, thankfully. It hurt, but not terribly. I warmed up for about 5 minutes and then stretched some more, which didn't seem to change the effect significantly. I'm thinking I may need to just slack entirely for a week or more to let everything settle down and heal completely before attempting this again. One thing I've noticed is that the shin splints are cumulative. If I run one day and end the run with a little pain, that's the starting point for the run the following day. If I rest for a few days, the pain still starts where it ended. I haven't determined my total recovery time yet, but I'm really hoping that I can get myself back to zero, strap on some new shoes, stretch before I run, and avoid the buildup. I'm still hoping cushy, neutral shoes will help the situation overall.

We're heading out of town this weekend to go visit Jenna's family. Calling them that seems odd, as I really think of them as my family, too. It's tough having them so far away, but we make an effort to get out to see them as often as possible. We'll be heading to Disneyland this trip, which will be really fun. The rest of our itinerary is up to the womenfolk, and I'll just be along for the ride. Definitely looking forward to some time off, though it'll be an absolute nightmare to get caught up at work when I get back (considering I'm already almost 2 weeks behind on the shiny new job they stacked on top of my old job). Whatever, right? Can't work all the time.


  1. You're going to Disneyland! Lucky guy. Sorry the steak is giving you trouble. You're more methodical than I am. Also, I think you like your meat more done than I do, so I I'm usually happy if it gets a decent sear. The picture of the Thai beef salad on my blog has beef done on a cast iron skillet to my liking. Pink in the middle. The one with the truffle butter got about a minute more on each side for caramelization purposes, and it was a pretty solid "medium-rare to medium." Not that I know what that means, temperature-wise. Enjoy the trip, and let me know about your shoes.

  2. Yeah, I'm all about pink in the middle, but purple in the middle is a bit much for me. I didn't think 15 seconds on each side would make a difference that big, but it really did. Took it from a nice pretty pink to a gnarly rawness. I also didn't do the warm water thing this time, opting for the room-temp instead. I need to cut out as many variables as possible, I think. I'm also thinking about getting a cast iron skillet with the ridges in the bottom to let the fat drain into the bottom of the pan rather than having the meat sit in it. We'll have to see about that one, I guess.
