Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Geeks who Drink...Shirley Temples

We went to trivia last night with our friends Ami and Steve and a friend of theirs, Clarence. It was a new bar and a new quizmaster, so we didn't really know what to expect. Honestly, it was pretty awesome. The bar is nice and new, with good food and a nice atmosphere. Travis, the quizmaster, is a cool guy, too. He speaks clearly, and doesn't seem to be high or dunk all the time like the other quizmaster we know. We also talked to him after the game and he's just an interesting guy. He was a marine infantryman and now he's studying to become a DO (like an MD but with some chiropractic-like stuff as well). So yeah, just a neat dude. Clarence was also cool. I wasn't sure of him at first because I couldn't tell when he was kidding or not, but I think I got a decent handle on his sense of humor by the end of the night and I would be totally cool with hanging out with him again. He's a karaoke jockey, which also sounds like it could be a neat thing to do sometime. Not for me to sing, because nobody benefits when Jared sings, but maybe to go with some friends and watch them singing.

In any case, there were several pretty great points from the night which I wanted to share with you all, since you obviously weren't there. Clarence is into musical theatre. He knows all the shows, all the songs, all the characters, etc. The guy is into it. Now, I'm not one to judge (okay, I totally am), and he wasn't setting off my gay-dar, so I just figured the dude liked musicals. Whatever, right? But he kept mentioning multiple times that he isn't gay and that he really likes girls. Since this is the first night I met him, I didn't want to commence ripping on him immediately until I was sure how he'd take it and all. After a while of him singing showtunes and continually insisting that he isn't gay, I figured it was cool to rib him a little about it. So the next time he said "No, I really like girls," I said "But just as friends, right?" He seemed really surprised, but he totally rolled with it. That's when I knew I could get along with the guy. Later, after the game, when we were just hanging out talking (Ami and Steve had already left) and getting to know each other better, he talked about being a KJ and started asking us whether we knew any of these clubs that he worked at. I told him no, we didn't know them because we are real geeks and we don't go out in public unless there's trivia to be had. He again seemed really surprised. Apparently we don't seem like real geeks, I guess. Anyway, he said something to the effect of "Wow, I'm really surprised. You're both very attractive, so I wouldn't think you'd be geeks." That pretty much made my night. Geek-o-flage successful.

if anyone wants to come to this weeknight trivia thing with us again, i think we might make it a regular thing. let me know and I'll give you the details.


  1. DO=doctor of osteopathy. It's a little weird, to be honest. Lots of healing-through-energy and shit, in addition to the ability to write prescriptions. They get a lot of ribbing in the medical community (mostly because of the "chiropractor-like stuff,") since doctors think that chiropractors are dangerous and worthless.

    Anyway, congrats on the geek-o-flage. I've always taken pride in my ability to hide my bits of geekiness through being generally attractive. It's a skill, really. A genetic skill.

  2. He actually told us all about osteopathy and it sounded like something MDs would view a little differently. It sounds like they do all the schooling an MD does and then a bit more, which makes me feel better about them in general than the "crazy lady in the smelly house with all the cats who rubs crystals on you" sort of thing. I think I've been to a DO out in Elizabeth, actually, and he seemed just like a regular doctor. I don't know that I'd seek one out, as I'm not big on all the energy manipulation and stuff, but I know a lot of folks who acupuncture and herbal stuff has helped, too. Maybe it's just one of those things where they have a few more arrows in the quiver if the regular stuff doesn't help?

    I pride myself on my geek-o-flage. I once went to a fighting practice for the historical recreation group I was into in college ( just wearing my regular clothes and one of the guys there said "You're looking a bit too GQ to be fighting today...actually you look a little too GQ to be in the SCA." I've always striven for that dichotomy and it's nice to know it's still working.

  3. I do remember how much time you spent raging against the machine whilst wearing was cute.

  4. Just because I was a little different didn't mean I wanted to spend my money on clothes instead of comics and video games. A man has to have his priorities.
