We made enchiladas last night for dinner. Very easy, very tasty. You remember my slow-cooked vaguely Mexican pork/chicken recipe? If not, this one's even easier. I put two thawed chicken breasts into my one-quart slow cooker. I poured a can of green enchilada sauce in there. I turned it on. Several hours later (8 if you had it on low, 4 if you had it on high) I took two forks and shredded the chicken, getting it nice and mixed up with the sauce. I grabbed a pyrex dish (smaller than the 3-quart I used for the chicken pot pie, maybe 2 quarts?) and some corn tortillas. I put the corn tortillas in the microwave in their plastic bag for about a minute. This helps steam then and soften them up. Honestly, it doesn't matter. They're going to get mangled in the dish anyway, so who gives a crap? Just put some chicken into each tortilla, roll them up a little and place the in the dish. Get them pretty snug in there, then pour another can of enchilada sauce (we used green, but red would work too) over the whole thing. Now sprinkle on about a buttload of shredded cheese. I used some cheddar and monterey jack and it was very good. If you don't shred your cheese yourself, you're really missing out. I was always a guy who bought shredded cheese from the store and said it was just as good, but this is not the case. Freshly shredded cheese melts better, tastes better, looks better, does everything better. The only exception is mozzarella, in my mind. I like the shredded stuff because fresh mozzarella has a gross taste to me. Anyway, now you have your whole enchilada tray made up, toss it in the oven on 350 for like 15 minutes. Your chicken is cooked and still hot, so you're really just melting the cheese. After the cheese melts, pull the pyrex out and let it rest for another 10-15 minutes. It'll be freakin' hot. Sever and serve. Sour cream would be great on this, as would some black olives or any other vaguely mexican vegetable thingy you like. Really, this is a baseline. You can add to it as you see fit.
After dinner, Adj came to the house to catch a ride to trivia. Ami and Steve just introduced us to the new trivia place for Tuesday nights run by Geeks Who Drink (http://www.geekswhodrink.com/blog/index.php?blog=70). They couldn't make it last night, but the three of us went out anyway to see what we could see. We actually did extremely well. We called ourselves The Gentlemen Beekeepers, after having read this blog yesterday: http://jameskennedy.com/2009/03/06/america-emulate-this-man/ . This week was easier than most, and was actually pretty well suited to our relatively limited knowledge. We got all of the "ER, Grey's Anatomy or MASH?" questions, all of the visual round questions, almost all of the "Piano Man" stuff, almost all of the "Legal Speak" round and a good chunk of all other rounds, too. The music round was actually pretty good, too. We got 11 of 16 possible points, which isn't too shabby. Normally I know absolutely none of the songs they're playing. This time it was butt rock and I knew about half outright and knew parts of at least one or two more. Adj also knew a goodly amount so between the two of us we managed more than half the answers. The last round was rough, especially since none of knew any of the levels of Girl Scout other than Brownie. Shows how well I paid attention when my sister was in it, I suppose. Anyway, when it all ended, we were in a tie for second place, just four points behind first.
This is when we learned that there is a dance-off to decide ties. I was unaware. Jenna, despite having said she wanted to dance just moments before, declined. Adj also didn't seem too keen on it. I figured it would be a pretty short dance, so i figured I could Charleston for a couple seconds and call it good. I did this for the first 15 seconds. The girl I was dancing against wasn't terrible, but she wasn't awesome, either. She also didn't really do much different the second round than the first, so when I did some more Charleston and finished off with a pretty lame cartwheel, apparently that was enough to win the crowd. Really, I was just hoping it would end quickly. I've lost far too many bar-based costume contests to girls in Wal-Mart costumes to count on beating any female at anything in a bar ever again. To my surprise, I got the overwhelming support of everyone in the bar except for the team my opponent represented. Sweet! not too shabby for my first dance-off. I'm now at one for one, and I'm happy to let my record stand thusly for a good long while.

Here's some eye candy for all you ladies out there.
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