Monday, May 11, 2009

A couple days of awesome nestled in the middle of the still pretty awesome

Friday, we went to see Star Trek. If you haven't seen it, your life is dark and hollow. Just so you know.

We've been setting up sort of a pattern the past few weeks, and I'm for it. Tuesday, Jenna and I hang with AJ at trivia as a rule. The past few weeks, we've hung with AJ and Nate. This past week, we hung with AJ, Nate (we call him Super Nate because we have too many Nates) and Charlie. This is a good pattern. Tomorrow, I'm told we'll get to hang with Becky and Nate (different Nate, we call him Doyle) and hopefully AJ, (Super) Nate and Charlie as well. That would put our team at 7, but I don't know that anyone will give us trouble about it. It's not like we haven't been winning without all these extra folks. We'll see, I guess.

Saturday was really fun, too. My dad and I went to our first official IDPA match. We'd been before, but only to look around, not to shoot. It was pretty incredible. They set up 4 scenarios, often very realistic, and you have to complete them quickly, accurately and above all, safely. If you make any kind of mistake in gun handling or anything that could potentially be dangerous to yourself or others, you get sent home. It's very comforting to have guys there who are dedicated 100% to ensuring that the environment is as safe as humanly possible. The scenarios are also really well thought-out and very well-designed. You've got 4 unique and interesting stages every month of every year, all within the rules set up to make sure it's something you can complete safely and effectively. I'm just incredibly impressed with the level of planning, work and dedication these folks have to this sport. I was also amazed at how many people were there this weekend. Close to 70, not counting people just watching. I didn't do terribly well, but my primary goal this weekend was not to be sent home covered in shame. I was successful in that, so I'm not going to let my dismal times get me down too badly.

Later that evening, Jenna and I went out to a nice dinner at a new restaurant. The food was very good, but the environment was a bit too rowdy for our liking. You know when you go into a restaurant and everyone's like talking and laughing and having a good time? That's what was going on here. *Shudders* We had a good meal, but we had to leave fairly quickly. Neither of us is emotionally or physically equipped to deal with that many humans while we're trying to eat.

Sunday was Mother's day, as you ought to know. We went to Johnstown with the intention of helping my sister with her garden, but ended up just sort of hanging out and grilling instead. Not at all bad.

My wife is wonderful and burned a bunch of Good Eats DVDs for me, so I've been watching them all. I love that show so hard. I'm going to attempt something tonight most likely, and I'll let you all know how it goes.

I'm also going to check out the Jiu-Jitsu school tonight. I'm planning on heading over just to take a look, and maybe try to see about taking a class. They offer a week of free classes to new students and next week would be a much better week for me to take more than one class. I was also thinking about krav maga but the only schools in my area seem a bit too oriented on kids and middle-aged women. As much as I like winning, I don't get much satisfaction from beating women and children. Some, just not much. We'll see. If the jiu-jitsu school is lame, I may have to expand my options a bit more. We'll see.


  1. I found your blog thru The Spiteful Chef. You are funny. Seriously. Or not. :-)

    I, too, love Alton Brown. He is one of my favorites. He got a boost in favoriteness when they took Jamie Oliver off. But that's ok. I still remember Jamie often.

  2. Thanks! Always good to know I'm not just blogging to myself.

    Unfortunately, I never saw any Jamie Oliver. I'll have to see if I can find some episodes on youtube or something.
