Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shooting for the moon

Last night, my dad and I went to the range. It was super cold out, so we went to the indoor place and shot handguns instead of shotguns. It has been a month or more since I've shot a handgun, so I'm pretty pleased with my performance last night. I keep worrying that if I don't keep practicing on a very regular basis, all my skill will disappear, but that doesn't seem to be the case. However many thousands of rounds I've put through this gun seems to have more or less ingrained it into me.

Without further, ado, here are my targets from last night:

This one is 10 shots at 25 feet.

Same target as above, but with 10 shots to center mass.

Closer view of the grouping. That's no more than three or four inches across, which isn't too bad at 25 feet.

Here's where I was trying some double taps. They've definitely spread out a lot (especially since this is only 15 feet) but almost all still within the 9 and 10 areas.

I like these targets because it's easy to pick out different places to shoot on the same target. With a bullseye, you can shoot the center, but anything else is a little tough to define. This is 10 shots at 25 feet again.

Ten shots at 35 feet here. I had one weird wandering shot where I felt myself jerk the trigger. I think that's sort of a constant battle, though. I'll keep fighting the urge.

20 rounds at 35 feet. The grouping is bigger, but still respectable. I jerked a shot here, too. Right as I was pulling my trigger, the guy next to me fired and the sound startled me. I really need to work on not letting that happen.

Another 10 shots at 35 feet. Keeping them all inside the 10-ring (or at least darned close) isn't bad, I guess.

My first target of the night shot at 25 feet. If you look closely, you'll see all the score numbers on the various body parts and where I attempted to shoot them all. I don't think I was more than an inch off of any of them. Sweet!

Anyway, that's what I did last night. Always good fun, and a great way to spend some time with my dad.


  1. This post is fucking terrifying, Jared. Especially after your crazy-ass Obama complain-a-thons that grace Facebook about every 4 minutes. Please don't turn into a lunatic, clocktower-dwelling, right-wing, religious nutjob. I know, I know. It's too late to prevent your right-wingery. But steer clear of the rest, mmmkay?

  2. Wait...more terrifying than the pictures of me dancing?

  3. Very nice. Good work and good results. What type of ammo were you using?

  4. Winchester white box .40 for most of it, with a couple PMC bronze there at the end. it's impossible to find any ammo for handguns these days, though. The prices are all skyrocketing and every store is still sold out. Good luck finding 9mm anywhere ever.
